Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fiber One Protein Cereals Rock!!

This cereal is changing my life! I love to eat cold cereal in the morning and as a snack later in the day. I usually choose a cereal that is less healthy because I love that sweet taste and feeling like I am getting a treat. But I do question my choices and wish I could find a cereal that is not only really tasty, but healthy too. Well, this cereal is the answer to my breakfast prayers! It is really good. Just the right amount of sweetness without becoming too much by the end of the bowl. It tastes like a treat and not a health food. But on top of enjoying it, I know I am getting 20% of my fiber for the day and plenty of protein which is unusual in a carb! I am so excited. I can eat this stuff without feeling guilty. I received this from Bzzagent and Fiber One to try and I am now going to make it a consistent part of my life.

I was also able to try the Cranberry Almond version of this cereal. I love the health benefits of this cereal - a little fruit thrown in and still an excellent source of protein and fiber. I think the maple brown sugar is hands down my favorite, but this cereal has that same wonderful natural sweetness and an extra crunch of almonds with the granola. I am hooked on this cereal and will keep it in my pantry. It is a great, guilt free snack and a great way to start my day. I have felt like this cereal has improved my energy level in the morning and really kept me going until lunch. I haven't experienced that mid morning slump I so often do while eating this cereal. Definitely making this a new habit!