Yesterday I held my Woolite party thanks to Crowdtap! Crowdtap provided amazing samples and lots of great stuff to help me hold a fun and engaging party with my friends. I was a little disappointed that more people didn't come - I had invited about 12 but some couldn't make it and last minute, two of my people got in a bike accident and couldn't make it - don't worry! Everyone is fine but we had a smaller party then anticipated. Still, those that did make it had a fabulous time and there were lots of laughs and fun to be had.
I started by decorating the house with Woolite things everywhere! Up top you can see my table with samples and the Woolite bag and my bottles of Woolite - this was an easy product to promote since I already use and LOVE Woolite. I had a bottle of light and dark Woolite already in my home for use and so everyone got to smell how fabulous this product is and I showed them my jeans that are washed in it and have been about 20 times and still look great!
We started off the party with a fashion show - It was just a tiny bit slow and my friends looked a little intimidated by the idea, until all of sudden, they just got into it and the camera was being passed back and forth and everyone was vying for attention! It was pretty cute and they were thrilled to be having so much fun.
Next, we divided into teams of 2 people each and played the trivia game. Everyone had so much fun with this and they were shouting out answers trying desperately to beat the other team.
I asked everyone to show me some torture going on without the use of Woolite! And this is what I saw!
And next to show a little love to those jeans thanks to Woolite and how it protects and keeps jeans looking like NEW!
It was a great time for everyone and everyone was thrilled when I handed the samples out for winning and an extra one as they walked out the door. I intend to talk to the people who couldn't come and let them know how great Woolite is. I think my friends definitely learned some things that they didn't know before and I know it will make them really want to start using Woolite to keep their jeans looking like new. I was excited by how responsive they all were and what a great time they had. I am thankful to Crowdtap and to Woolite for this great experience - I know that I actually learned alot thru all this! I was already an avid Woolite user, but this makes me more proud of that fact and definitely more likely to keep using Woolite for my future jean washes!
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