I haven't posted recently about About.me and I thought I would give you all a reminder what a great site this is. It is facebook, twitter, email and you all rolled into one convenient location. I like it alot because it is so easy to personalize. To me facebook is rather cookie cutter and very much looks the same for each person and it only allows one way to connect. But with about.me, you can connect in a variety of ways thru every social media board you access. They can all be connected back to about.me to create a very integrated experience and one that will leave you feeling like your life is truly portrayed in this one site. And now, this site allows you to use the exclusive iphone app to truly take your identity with you whereever you go. Give this a try and I think you will be very pleased. I am part of a bzzcampaign that hooked me up with this site and I am really happy with it!
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