I love Green Mountain Coffee. The flavors are vibrant and the taste is always smooth. So when BzzAgent invited me to a campaign that offered Three Continent Green Mountain coffee, I jumped at the chance!
On top of that, I was excited that the coffee was made thru Fair Trade and supporting a way of life for people in underpriviledged areas who work hard and deserve a chance to be paid well for the efforts they make. The day came when my BzzKit arrived; I eagerly popped a k-cup into my Keurig to sample this coffee. As I waited my 60 seconds, I pulled out the literature that told the story of Kelly Clarkson and how she has made a trip to Peru to understand Fair Trade. Green Mountain works closely with the farmers in that area to produce the highest quality coffee and put money back into the community. My cup of coffee was done. I smelled the rich brew and took a sip and was instantly in love. To be fair, I have always loved Green Mountain Coffee, but this Three Continent blend was especially yummy. It has a very distinct and bold flavor but it isn't a dark roast and it isn't bitter. It just has body and flavor and it makes you feel warm and alive all over. It was a such a smooth and robust flavor. I really liked it. The only thing that made me sad is this is a limited edition, but the fact that I want to support fair trade is a long term commitment. And Green Mountain's concern and care to support this practice and the fact that they produce quality coffee are the reasons I will keep buying their products. I highly recommend this coffee and I know you will see that it is not only a great cup of coffee, but a great way to contribute a bit and help in a community dedicated to making a better life for the families that are a part of it. I received this coffee from Green Mountain and BzzAgent to try for free but my love of Green Mountain is my own!